Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) provide a useful abstraction for building distributed applications and services.

Nebulas provides both gRPC and RESTful API for users to interact with Nebulas.

grpc provides a concrete implementation of the gRPC protocol, layered over HTTP/2. These libraries enable communication between clients and servers using any combination of the supported languages.

grpc-gateway is a plugin of protoc. It reads gRPC service definition, and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful JSON API into gRPC. We use it to map gRPC to HTTP.


Default endpoints:

API URL Protocol
gRPC http://localhost:8684 Protobuf
RESTful http://localhost:8685 HTTP


We can run the gRPC example testing client code:

go run main.go

The testing client gets account state from sender address, makes a transaction from sender to receiver, and also checks the account state of receiver address.

We can see client log output like:

GetAccountState n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5 nonce 4 value 3142831039999999999992
SendTransaction n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5 -> n1Zn6iyyQRhqthmCfqGBzWfip1Wx8wEvtrJ value 2 txhash:"2c2f5404a2e2edb651dff44a2d114a198c00614b20801e58d5b00899c8f512ae"
GetAccountState n1Zn6iyyQRhqthmCfqGBzWfip1Wx8wEvtrJ nonce 0 value 10


We have also provided HTTP to access the RPC API. The file that ends with gw.go is the mapping file. Now we can access the rpc API directly from our browser, you can update the rpc_listen and http_listen in conf/default/config.conf to change the RPC/HTTP ports, respectively.


curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET http://localhost:8685/v1/user/nebstate

if successful, response will be returned like this


Or, there is an error from gRPC, and the reponse will carry the error message.


RPC API Reference


Return the state of the neb.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetNebState
HTTP GET /v1/user/nebstate




chain_id Block chain id: * 1: mainnet.

  • 1001: testnet.

tail current neb tail hash.

lib current neb lib hash.

height current neb tail block height.

protocol_version current neb protocol version.

synchronized peer sync status.

version neb version.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET http://localhost:8685/v1/user/nebstate

// Result


Return the state of the account. Balance and nonce of the given address will be returned.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetAccountState
HTTP POST /v1/user/accountstate


address Hex string of the account addresss.

height block account state with height. If not specified, use 0 as tail height.


balance Current balance in unit of 1/(10^18) nas.

nonce Current transaction count.

type The type of address, 87 stands for normal address and 88 stands for contract address.

height Current height of blockchain.

pending pending transactions of address in Tx pool.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/accountstate -d '{"address":"n1Z6SbjLuAEXfhX1UJvXT6BB5osWYxVg3F3"}'

// Result
    result {


Return the latest irreversible block.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   LatestIrreversibleBlock
HTTP GET /v1/user/lib




hash Hex string of block hash.

parent_hash Hex string of block parent hash.

height block height.

nonce block nonce.

coinbase Hex string of coinbase address.

timestamp block timestamp.

chain_id block chain id.

state_root Hex string of state root.

txs_root Hex string of txs root.

events_root Hex string of event root.


  • Timestamp time of consensus state.

  • Proposer proposer of current consensus state.

  • DynastyRoot Hex string of dynasty root.

    miner the miner of this block.

    is_finality block is finality.

    transactions block transactions slice.

  • transaction GetTransactionReceipt response info.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET http://localhost:8685/v1/user/lib

// Result
        "miner": "n1WwqBXVMuYC3mFCEEuFFtAXad6yxqj4as4"


Call a smart contract function. The smart contract must have been submited. Method calls are run only on the current node, not broadcast.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   Call
HTTP POST /v1/user/call


The parameters of the call method are the same as the SendTransaction parameters. Special attention:

to Hex string of the receiver account addresss. The value of ``to`` is a contract address.

contract transaction contract object for call smart contract.

  • Sub properties(``source`` and ``sourceType`` are not need):
  • function the contract call function for call contract function.
  • args the params of contract. The args content is JSON string of parameters array.


result result of smart contract method call.

execute_err execution error.

estimate_gas estimate gas used.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/call -d '{"from":"n1Z6SbjLuAEXfhX1UJvXT6BB5osWYxVg3F3","to":"n1mL2WCZyRi1oELEugfCZoNAW3dt8QpHtJw","value":"0","nonce":3,"gasPrice":"20000000000","gasLimit":"2000000","contract":{"function":"transferValue","args":"[500]"}}'

// Result
   "result": {
       "result": "0",
       "execute_err": "insufficient balance",
       "estimate_gas": "22208"


Submit the signed transaction. The transaction signed value should be return by SignTransactionWithPassphrase.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   SendRawTransaction
HTTP POST /v1/user/rawtransaction


data Signed data of transaction


txhash Hex string of transaction hash.

contract_address returns only for deployed contract transaction.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/rawtransaction -d '{"data":"CiCrHtxyyIJks2/RErvBBA862D6iwAaGQ9OK1NisSGAuTBIYGiY1R9Fnx0z0uPkWbPokTeBIHFFKRaosGhgzPLPtjEF5cYRTgu3jz2egqWJwwF/i9wAiEAAAAAAAAAAADeC2s6dkAAAoAjDd/5jSBToICgZiaW5hcnlAZEoQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA9CQFIQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABOIFgBYkGLnnvGZEDSlocc202ZRWtUlbl2RHfGNdBY5eajFiHKThfgXIwGixh17LpnZGnYHlmfiGe2zqnFHdj7G8b2XIP2AQ=="}'

// Result
        "txhash": "f37acdf93004f7a3d72f1b7f6e56e70a066182d85c186777a2ad3746b01c3b52"

Deploy Contract Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/rawtransaction -d '{"data":"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"}'

// Result
        "txhash": "f37acdf93004f7a3d72f1b7f6e56e70a066182d85c186777a2ad3746b01c3b52",


Get block header info by the block hash.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetBlockByHash
HTTP POST /v1/user/getBlockByHash


hash Hex string of block hash.

full_fill_transaction If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.


See LatestIrreversibleBlock response.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/getBlockByHash -d '{"hash":"c4a51d6241db372c1b8720e62c04426bd587e1f31054b7d04a3509f48ee58e9f", "full_fill_transaction":true}'

// Result
        "miner": "n1WwqBXVMuYC3mFCEEuFFtAXad6yxqj4as4"


Get block header info by the block height.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetBlockByHeight
HTTP POST /v1/user/getBlockByHeight


height Height of transaction hash.

full_fill_transaction If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.


See LatestIrreversibleBlock response.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/getBlockByHeight -d '{"height": 256, "full_fill_transaction": true}'

// Result
        "miner": "n1WwqBXVMuYC3mFCEEuFFtAXad6yxqj4as4"


Get transactionReceipt info by transaction hash. If the transaction is not submitted or only submitted but is not packaged on chain, it will return “not found” error.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetTransactionReceipt
HTTP POST /v1/user/getTransactionReceipt


hash Hex string of transaction hash.


hash Hex string of tx hash.

chainId Transaction chain id.

from Hex string of the sender account addresss.

to Hex string of the receiver account addresss.

value Value of transaction.

nonce Transaction nonce.

timestamp Transaction timestamp.

type Transaction type.

data Transaction data, return the payload data.

gas_price Transaction gas price.

gas_limit Transaction gas limit.

contract_address Transaction contract address.

status Transaction status, 0 - failed, 1 - success, 2 - pending.

gas_used transaction gas used

execute_error the execution error of this transaction

execute_result return value of the smart-contract function

Note: the data length of execute_result is limited to 255 Bytes, if you want to receive a large return value from you smart-contract, please use api call instead.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/getTransactionReceipt -d '{"hash":"cda54445ffccf4ea17f043e86e54be11b002053f9edbe30ae1fbc0437c2b6a73"}'

// Result


Get transactionReceipt info by contract address. If contract does not exist or is not packaged on chain, a “not found” error will be returned.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetTransactionByContract
HTTP POST /v1/user/getTransactionByContract


address Hex string of contract account address.


The result is the same as that of GetTransactionReceipt

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/getTransactionByContract -d '{"address":"n1sqDHGjYtX6rMqFoq5Tow3s3LqF4ZxBvE3"}'

// Result


Return the subscribed events of transaction & block. The request is a keep-alive connection.

Note that subscribe doesn’t guarantee all new events will be received successfully, it depends on the network condition. Please run a local node to use subscribe api.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   Subscribe
HTTP POST /v1/user/subscribe


topics repeated event topic name, string array.

The topic name list:

  • chain.pendingTransaction The topic of pending a transaction in transaction_pool.
  • chain.latestIrreversibleBlock The topic of updating latest irreversible block.
  • chain.transactionResult The topic of executing & submitting tx.
  • chain.newTailBlock The topic of setting new tail block.
  • chain.revertBlock The topic of reverting block.


topic subscribed event topic name.

data subscribed event data.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/subscribe -d '{"topics":["chain.linkBlock", "chain.pendingTransaction"]}'

// Result
                 \"gasprice\": \"20000000000\",
        "data": "..."


Return current gasPrice.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetGasPrice
HTTP GET /v1/user/getGasPrice




gas_price gas price. The unit is 10^-18 NAS.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET http://localhost:8685/v1/user/getGasPrice

// Result


Return the estimate gas of transaction.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   EstimateGas
HTTP POST /v1/user/estimateGas


The parameters of the EstimateGas method are the same as the SendTransaction parameters.


gas the estimate gas.

err error message of the transaction being executed.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/estimateGas -d '{"from":"n1QZMXSZtW7BUerroSms4axNfyBGyFGkrh5","to":"n1SAeQRVn33bamxN4ehWUT7JGdxipwn8b17", "value":"1000000000000000000","nonce":1,"gasPrice":"20000000000","gasLimit":"2000000"}'

// Result
    "result": {


Return the events list of transaction.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetEventsByHash
HTTP POST /v1/user/getEventsByHash


hash Hex string of transaction hash.


events the events list. - topic event topic; - data event data.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/getEventsByHash -d '{"hash":"ec239d532249f84f158ef8ec9262e1d3d439709ebf4dd5f7c1036b26c6fe8073"}'

// Result


GetDynasty get dpos dynasty.

Protocol Method API
gRpc   GetDynasty
HTTP POST /v1/user/dynasty


height block height


miners repeated string of miner address.

HTTP Example

// Request
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8685/v1/user/dynasty -d '{"height": 1}'

// Result

Next Step: